Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dinner at the Cosmic Crab, Careening Cay

Our trip to the Cosmic Crab Restaurant started with a short water taxi trip across to Careening Cay.

 Upon our arrival, we were greeted by Joan, one of the owners. She invited us to walk through the resort and visit the gift shop, then enjoy happy hour and sunset at the waters edge.
The resort offers several small quaint cabins amidst tropical fauna, and some right on the dock, directly above the water.

Our stroll through the resort found the pesky no-seeums out in abundance, especially as the wind dropped and the sun slid down, close to the water. As a result, we bypassed the gift shop and headed to the restaurant where there was still  a light breeze and less no-seeums.

Jan was delighted to find that they served sangria. In fact, Jose, one of the resort workers was also the breakfast waiter at our hotel and remembered us.

 Jokingly, Jan suggested a sangria might be good for breakfast the next morning. Be careful what you wish for, because Jose was waiting at breakfast with a sangria in hand for her. Once again, we are reminded of how kind and friendly the Panamanian people are.

Dinner was an enjoyable experience, enhanced by the company of good friends and an exotic ambience.

Once again, Tim enjoyed another lobster feed.


Prior to our water taxi back to Bocas Town, Tim and Jan posed for a photo op in front of the bar with their Burnt River Yacht Club Burgee, from back home in Fenelon Falls, Ontario Canada.
 Another fun and memorable day in Panama. Tomorrow, we face the 4 hour bumpy drive back to Boquete.


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