Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Second Visit to Fanny's Bistro in Cerro Punta

Today the weather was cooler and more cloudy than it has been previously. With it being cool and windy with light rain sprinkles, we decided that a drive to Cerro Punta and lunch at Fanny's Terrace Bistro would be a better option than the outdoor Jazz Festival.

This was Alison and John's first visit to Cerro Punta, an alpine market garden community, located in the north west corner of Panama, not far from the Costa Rican border.

The uphill and downhill twists, turns along the road divulged some magnificent scenery (as described in an earlier post) and got the adrenalin pumping on occasion.

Looking down on one of the many fincas (farms).

The day was peppered with periods of cloud and misty rain, followed by bursts of sunshine.                                                             At 6000 or so feet above sea level, temperatures were quite cool in Cerro Punta, and since most of the dining at Fanny's Bistro is out on the terrace, where one can enjoy the stunning vistas; we were prepared with layered clothing.
Fanny's Bistro, Cerro Punta

Fanny's Terrace Dining

Lunch was as delicious as our last visit. We all had the Executive menu (a three course meal) and at $4.50 plus tax and gratuity, who could complain. Beverages, both adult and other are very reasonably priced. The surrounding views ........ priceless!

Following lunch, it was time a walk down to the stream below the restaurant to walk off some much enjoyed calories. The grounds and flowers were gorgeous.

Following our stroll, it was time to return to the car, and commence the trip back home to Boquete.

Strawberries are a specialty of Cerro Punta, and on our drive down to Volcan , we came across this roadside sign for fresas and vino (strawberries and wine), two of my favorites.

 Unfortunately the place was closed so no sampling this trip!
Upon our arrival back in Boquete, we were greeted by the bajareque, the afternoon cloud and mist that descends upon the valley, creating Boquete's famous rainbows.
Another great, memorable afternoon, spent with family and good friends. Life is good.



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