Thursday, January 3, 2013

Orlando, FL to Boquete, Panama

Early morning, January 2nd, 2013, we departed the Hampton Inn at Orlando airport for our flight to Panama City. Our carrier was Coppa, and the flight was uneventful and on time. Unlike the US carriers, we were served a hot breakfast with beverage, and if one wished a vodka and OJ, rum or whatever, and at no additional charge. Given the early hour, and the long travel day ahead, we opted for coffee and juice.

Upon arrival at Tocoumen International in Panama City, we were met by Jose, our driver, who took us across town to Albrook airport, where we took a domestic Air Panama flight to David, pronounced Daveed. Air Panama has some rigid baggage restrictions - one personal carry-on and one checked bag, not to exceed 30lbs. Over size and/or weight can quickly add up to some serious cash. We had been advised to check up to our allowance and ship the balance of our bags at a cost of just $5 per bag. Prior to arriving at Aldbrook, Jose took us to Chavales, where we deposited our excess bags for overnight shipping to Boquete. They arrived safely and intact the following afternoon.
Being the day after New Years, traffic was unusually light in this busy city of almost 3 million people. We were surprised to see how clean this large modern city was.

Boarding Air Panama for David

Panama City from the air
Ships waiting to transit panama Canal
Our flight out of Albrook was 20 minutes late taking off, but again, comfortable and uneventful. Once again, beverage and potato chips were served, even though the flight was less than an hour.
The David airport has just undergone some major expansion, and the baggage handling facility not yet functional. Bags were carried into the terminal two at a time. After a long hour, we were ready to depart for the 45 minute drive to Boquete with Daniel, our driver.
David was hotter and much more humid than Panama City, but the humidity rapidly diminished as we headed north toward Volcan (volcano) Baru and the town of Boquete, which will be our home for the next 3 months.
It was dusk when we arrived at our cottage in the mountains. Exploring was not an option at this time, so these two weary travelers opened the welcome bottle of wine from Marni, our landlady and supper was a fresh baguette and cheese.

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